Install location : after download file,please put it at your server htdocs(MAMP and WAMP).
What I want to Do ?
this app is simple web app to retrieve recent tweets from someone.- User need to type user ID (default : Obama)
- click "get Your tweet" button"
- retrieve recent tweet
What I ignore ?
- Page function
- Auto Update
Code focus
//BarackObama is user id you enter //callback=updateTweets is function we call to handle json data "";
Data we Retrieve(json) fragment
"in_reply_to_status_id":null, "in_reply_to_user_id_str":null, "id_str":"244873182916526080", "retweet_count":373, "favorited":false, "truncated":false, "source":"\u003Ca href=\"http:\/\/\/\" rel=\"nofollow\"\u003EObama for America\u003C\/a\u003E", "created_at":"Sun Sep 09 19:01:30 +0000 2012", "possibly_sensitive_editable":true, "id":244873182916526080, "in_reply_to_screen_name":null, "text":"Easy: Pick out your favorite bumper sticker and we\u2019ll get it in the mail. http:\/\/\/H4h9qc6e"
Hot to handle data
//tweet. + data you want to //tweet.id_str = 244873182916526080 var data = tweet.text.replace("\"", "'"); var date = tweet.created_at ;
Back to Our code
$(function(){ $("#tweet").toggle(); function getInput(){ $("#get").click(function(){ //retreive data from $("input:text") var id = $("input:text").val(); //apply id to src => create complete address for sending request var src = ""+id+".json?callback=updateTweets"; // create new script element and apply to < <body> var script = '< <script src='+src+'>< </script>'; $(script).appendTo('body'); // append user id to paragraph var name = "< <h2>"+id+"< </h2>"; $(name).appendTo("#name"); $("#tweet").toggle(); $("#input").toggle(); }); } getInput(); });// end ready function updateTweets(tweets) { var tweetsSelection = $("#tweet"); for (var i = 0; i < < tweets.length; i++) { var tweet = tweets[i]; var data = tweet.text.replace("\"", "'"); var date = tweet.created_at ; var row = "<tr><td>"+date+"</td><td>"+data+"</td></tr>"; tweetsSelection.append(row); } }
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